A Simple Directives Library

Download: directives.js or directives.min.js

<!-- basic syntax -->
<element sd-directive="expression" />

<!-- `sd-attr`, `sd-class` and `sd-on` accept multiple expressions -->
<element sd-class="class:reference;class:reference;..." />
// place where you want, but after the dom has finished loading
var app = simpleDirectives.register(element, root);

Directives on element and all children will be registered and start working immediately.

element and root are optional and default to document.body and window.

// if you want to inspect an element how simple-directives sees it
var simpleElement = app.getSimpleElement(element);

// memoizing is recommended for expensive bind functions
var myFunction = simpleDirectives.memoize(function() { /* heavy logic */ }, refreshRate);
// `refreshRate` is optional, is in milliseconds, and will default to 1000

Notes on vocabulary:

Data Bindings

html controls contents


Reference Scope:

The reference should evaluate to plain text or a valid HTML fragment.

class toggles classes


sd-class="class,class,..:reference;class:reference < reference;.."

Reference Scope:

Truthy: The element will have the given class(es).

attr controls attributes



Reference Scope:

Truthy: The given attribute's value will be that of the reference.

Falsy: The given attribute will not be present on the element.

rdo controls radio groups


Reference Scope:

The reference should evaluate to a string or number.

Only the first sd-rdo of each radio group will be registered.

Looping Templates

for loops contents over a collection


"Item" should be the alias to assign to each item.

Use unique item names in nested loops to avoid overwrites.

Reference Scope:

The reference should evaluate to an array of objects.

Optionally have sd-for assign unique suffixes to an attribute value each loop with sd-for-unique.

<element attr1="value1" attr2="value2" sd-for-unique="attr1,attr2">


if toggles the element


sd-if="reference === reference"

Reference Scope:

Falsy: The element will be hidden; bindings within paused.

User Interaction

on adds event listeners

sd-on="event:function;event:assignableReference = reference"


Reference Scope:

All events will be assigned all references in each expression.

Two-Way Binding Shortcut


<!-- examples -->
<input type="text" sd-attr="value:reference" sd-on="change,keyup:$update" />
<input type="checkbox" sd-attr="checked:reference" sd-on="change:$update" />
<input type="radio" name="name" value="value" sd-rdo="reference" sd-on="change:$update" />
<textarea sd-attr="value:reference" sd-on="keydown:$update"></textarea>
<select sd-attr="value:reference" sd-on="change:$update"></select>
<div contenteditable="true" sd-html="reference" sd-on="keyup:$update"></div>

<!-- example using $update as one of multiple references -->
<input type="text" sd-attr="value:reference" sd-on="change:$update,reference" />
<input type="text" sd-attr="value:reference" sd-on="change:reference,$update,..." />

Function Arguments




Each argument can be treated as a reference except that functions will be passed as-is.

If an argument is not a valid reference, it will be passed as a string.

If you intend to pass a string as an argument, don't place quotes around it.

Arguments may not include the :, ;, or , characters.